Monday, January 29, 2007

Checking Email

So I guess we know now who in on the team checks their email
regularly... So far only Tom and Cameron have signed on as contributers
to the blog (other than me of course).

BTW, all - I'm working on the PayPal contribution issue and hope to have
an answer in a day or so.

May God's grace and peace be multiplied to you all.

*** Also cool... I posted this by just sending an email! You can blog
from wherever you are!


Oops... the Kenya site wasn't as extensive as this one... MD Travel Health Looks like we will all be pincushions! Shelley is checking with the health center on campus too, so we will see if they have different recommendations.

Here's a Google Earth shot of where we are going

There it be, Kisumu, Kenya

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kenya Bound

Well - It's official... we just had our first planning meeting for our missions trip to Kenya this summer. So many pieces need to fall into place, we are anxiously awaiting God's work!

Soon we will be sending out support letters and planning fundraisers - all will be revealed on these pages! Watch for pictures, fundraising updates and information on Kenya and Christ's Hope International.

Looks like we need immunizations for Yellow Fever, Cholera and Malaria... ouch!

More to follow... and others will be posting as well - should have pics of everyone soon... stay tuned!