Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday in Jail
After meeting with Grace, Suzy came back to the house and Monica went with Cameron and I to see Allan, a 6-year-old orphan who lives with his grandparents. They live in Nyalanda, the village across the street for Christ's Hope's headquarters. They are strong Christians and are working hard to do everything they can for their grandson but they struggle because they can not afford to pay for both the medicine they need and for his school fees and so he is not able to attend school. We spent time with each of these families and their struggle gives a face to the true voracity of this epidemic. I spoke with Jisca afterwards and found out that in Dunga somewhere between 50-75% of the population is HIV positive. Grace is also a perfect example of how some of the customs, (in her case, wife inheritance), only aid in spreading the disease more quickly. Her worry also is that many of the children who are infected live with their grandparents. Because this disease came up in the 80's it has affected their generation much less, but when the next generation comes, all of their parents will be dead, (the children now) and will have no grandparents to take care of them. This also underscores why the Choose to Wait ministry is so important. God's perfect plan for sex can and will eliminate the problem if people will only follow it.
In the afternoon the entire team went to the Children's Jail in Kisumu. The jail is for street children that have been picked up by the police, some for real crimes, some simply because they are living on the street. No cameras are allowed inside the jail, so we do not have any pictures from the time there. It was a time that I think most of us were a bit apprehensive about because we didn't really know what to expect. We had heard many warnings about how rambunctious they might be, that they may try to steal some of our things, etc. but the time there was such a blessing to all of us! We began by singing, as always, and then we acted out the story of David and Goliath with the kids, which they loved. We followed that by teaching them "Deep and Wide" and then performed our skit. After the skit there was a craft to color pictures of David and Goliath and glue them on Popsicle sticks to make puppets. When that was finished we went outside and had a good time playing with the kids for quite a while - Tom and I played soccer, Monica and Cameron played some sort of keep-away game and David played volleyball. Each person rotated the groups they were playing with during that time, and the entire team was busy bonding and playing with the kids even though I can't say right now what each person was up to specifically. After playing we sang again and asked if we could pray for them before we left. Two of the students shared, and we prayed for them. One of them, Peter said that he asked we continue to pray for each of them there. He said "it is not our will that we are here. Please pray that we will be able to get out, and that we would have good behavior to please God and so that we don't end up here again," so please remember all of the children that are there in your prayers.
That night we went out to an all-you-can-eat Indian restaurant, which was quite a treat. The food was amazing, and we thank Joe for taking us to all of the best eateries that Kisumu has to offer! After dinner there was an incredible home-made ice cream for desert, so for those that are wondering, the embarrassing picture of Monica was one that was snapped while eating ice cream at dinner last night! We don't really have much in the way of pictures because we don't take cameras on Care and Compassion and we weren't allowed in the jail, so our apologies for that. Today was a bit of a free day - we went shopping in town and this afternoon Shelley got her hair braided and the rest of us hung out around the house, went for walks, etc. This evening we went to see the sunset over Lake Victoria and eat dinner at a resort here in Kisumu. It was an amazing night, and we will probably post some pictures of that tomorrow since we have yet to load them on the computer from the cameras.
Thank you for continuing to remember us in your prayers and check the blog for updates. We only have a few days of work left here in Kisumu, which is met with mixed emotions. In many ways it feels like we have been her for such a long time, but when faced with leaving so soon, realizing we have only been here a week makes us realize how short our time here is. Please pray that we continue on well next week as there is still much work to be done. Thanks.
Can it be Thursday?
It had rained on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, so the village we were going to was not accessible in the early morning so we waited until after Monica arrived to set out.
The classrooms in the village are square rooms built of brick with open windows and doors. The floors are made from dried cow manure. The manure makes a hard surface that resists chiggers - small insects that live in dirt and can irritate the feet. Of course that means when the weather is humid (pretty much all the time in Kisumu) the rooms have an interesting aroma to them. In each of these two schools we broke up into boys and girls groups for separate teaching times.
We taught the beginning introductory lessons for choose to wait in these classes. God is the creator and He knows how best to use sex. In the picture to the right we are doing an activity that shows that someone that draws a picture of the thing they like best, can best explain what the picture is of and why they like it the best. We then go on to do an exercise talking about what the culture says about sex vs what God says about sex. It is very interesting the reactions we get. Most of the students are good at figuring out who says what about sex, but this may be the first time for many of them that they understand what God expects of them - to choose to wait.
All in all, Thursday was another incredible day in Kenya. Please pray especially for the boys of Mosogo, that they would choose to wait from this point on. This is a prayer asked for specifically by some of the boys in the class.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Playing Catch-Up
While Dave, Tom, Ashley and Shelley all went out on Care and Compassion, Cameron, Suzy and Joe went to go talk with a school that we were wanting to work with that afternoon. While they were out, Ruth, Anneke and I (Dan) all rode the boda boda to downtown Kisumu in order to run some errands.
After we all arrived back at the house from our various tasks in the morning we ate lunch and
After the games we divided into three groups - two groups of boys and the girls. At that time we presented the Choose to Wait lesson that was prepared to each of the groups. When we preform our skit, give our testimonies and sing songs, all of these are incorporated into the lesson. The same message is presented in a variety of fashions, and explained in the teaching. Taking part in the lessons is a very important part of the student's learning experience here, so the teaching is very interactive and is designed to allow the students to participate as much as possible. Even in the classroom we begin with an activity that involves their creativity and leads into the point of what we are teaching.
After Agape school we all returned home, ate dinner and spent the evening together. When we arrived home, Solomon and George were here with a boy they had brought from one of the villages. His name is Isaac and he has open sores all over his body. They mostly infect his legs and feet but are also on his arms. His stomach is also infected with some sort of disease that is causing it to bulge quite largely. Jisca gave him some treatments for his legs and some medication, but at the end of the day the boy must go back to the village where there is nothing really there to help him. Please pray for Isaac. He is a sweet boy but is suffering immensely. You can see in his eyes that he knows he is being kept from a normal childhood and he would love to be able to play with the other children.
After dinner was completed, we had a special treat. David and I were able to gather some Sugar Cane to bring home from Ombeyi, so we all gathered and ate that for dessert. It was a treat, and quite the
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Care and Compassion
Each of the women we visited are doing quite well since C&C started helping them. When C&C gets a new patient they are taken to a hospital for evaluation, blood tests and the first round of drugs. As they continue on the program they are re-evaluated monthly to determine how they are doing on the program. Between the drugs that are available and a healthy diet that is at least partly provided by C&C many get healthy enough to start working and providing for themselves again. The three women we visited locally are in that category. They are all very healthy now and are being cut back from the program as they start to bring in income from their small businesses. They all have children, some of which are also HIV positive, so they will continue to be monitored even if they are taken off the program. The individuals that have been taken off the program meet weekly in a support group led by a CHI volunteer so any issues can be dealt with quickly.
I was very impressed by the hospitality of the women, but I am finding that that seems to be a Kenyan trait. No matter what their house was like, from one who was in a cement block house with several rooms to one who was had a 12' x 8' mud hut they kept their places neat and ready to receive guests. All of them have money issues - from monthly school fees of $5 for one to being behind on the rent of $6 for another. To us these look like little things, but to them it is everything. Kenya provides education from 1st grade through high school, but not before that, so in order to prepare their children for primary grades Kenyans pride themselves on sending their children to Nursery school, which costs $4.50 to $5 per month, plus the children are not released at lunch, so they must purchase their lunch from the school or go hungry until dinner.
The needs individually look very small, but there are tens of thousands of people in Kisumu with the same problems. The HIV AIDS rate in this area of Kenya is very high with figures of 40% of the population in some parts to 60% of the population in the village we visited, so widows and orphans are in every direction you look. As each person tells us their story we understand better the strain that CHI feels in meeting the needs of only the few they can help.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
There are several volunteers here at Christ's Hope that work alongside Joe. One of them is named Anneke - she came from Holland and spent a year here, then went home for a year and is back again for 2 months. She has been working with our team, and was so excited to go to the village. Knowing it was even less developed than here in Kisumu it seemed like a strange thing to be excited about, but after having been there, her comments of "I just love the village" make a lot more sense.
Once outside we played a game of bubbles, where Tom, Cameron and I all blew bubbles and the kids ran around trying to "catch" them.
We then went back inside and Ashley taught the parable of the lost sheep to the children. After that we had a craft for the kids where they were able to glue cotton onto pictures of sheep and then color.
When we walked out of the classroom we thought we were going to be leaving, but it didn't quite work out that way. As we headed out for our matatu it turned out that the school we were going to be headed to next was not prepared for us, so we went back inside where we then filled the next 45 minutes on the spot with games, songs and a re-enactment of David and Goliath. We couldn't have pulled it off on our own, but thanks to Ashley for thinking quickly on her feet! To quote Joe, this is the "practical side" of her education for her Christian Education degree.
After the children were dismissed we ate lunch there in the village which was an experience in itself. We ate chicken that was killed that morning. Everything, including the head, was included in the pot we were served from. Then we also ate rice and chapatas. Chapatas are the Kenyan version of flat bread. They are made from corn flour and fried over the fire and are DELICIOUS.
Tom, Cameron and I played soccer for a while with some of the teachers and older children in the village while the girls and Dave played with the other children. The girls learned a new phrase, "mazungu dina." Mazungu simply means "white person" and "dina" means "carry me." They all wanted to be held and spend time with/on us.
As the afternoon came to an end we made our leave of Ombeyi to head back home to Kisumu for dinner and the rest of the evening. I don't know about the rest of the team, but today was the day that I finally feel at home here in Kenya. I have been
Please continue to keep praying for us. There are still some nagging health issues; they seem to be mostly allergies at this point, but both Suzy and Shelley are suffering a fair amount of discomfort and are having trouble keeping up their energy through to the end of the day as a result. Tomorrow we are going to have our first taste of Care and Compassion. Half of the team will be heading out for that and then we will have more time teaching Choose to Wait in the afternoon. Thursday we are going back to the village and then on Friday we will be working at the Children's jail. On Monday we will be back at Dunga school. There is so much ahead of us so please keep us in your prayers as each day brings a whole new set of opportunities and challenges!
First Working Day!
We met with the 12-17 year old classes which was about 100 students, in the building that was all one room. In the morning we sang songs, played games and had teaching. Most of these students understand English fairly well, but we still had translators so that some of the difficult concepts could be understood. We took some questions in the morning, and they posed some interesting ones! How about - if a girl's parents send a girl through an area that is known to be rough and she gets raped are the parents at fault or the girl?
As we broke up after that for individual prayer with the students some other interesting things came up - one thing we discussed a bit later... It seems that one area that
At the end of the day it was had to leave the Dunga school, but we will return again next Monday and will see the kids one more time before we leave. I have a list of four of the kids that I will be praying for specifically and I am anticipating God giving me a word of encouragement for each of them by then. Please pray for Eliud, Felix, and Frederick for God's provision - they are all orphans, but would love the opportunity to further their education beyond Dunga school; and pray for Evarlyn that she would be strong and continue to choose to wait until marriage. All the kids also want prayer that they will do well on their exams this week, as if they don't pass exams they will not be able to continue in the school.
Continue to pray for the health of the team, we are doing very well, but there are still some minor irritating health problems to deal with. We miss you all, but are incredibly blessed to be here.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday in Kisumu
So our first full day in Kisumu was a Sunday! Ashley and I (Dave) decided to get a jump on the day and rose early to go to a Sunday service in downtown Kisumu held for street kids. In Kisumu there are many homeless children, generally orphans or outcasts from the age of 4 and up that steal to provide for themselves. Some of these children end up in the children's jail (which we are going to visit on Friday), but many are left wandering the streets. There is a fairly high incidence of glue sniffing (check the pics) as they look for answers.
The street team we went with has an orphanage where they have taken in many street children, as well as a ranch that they have kids at as well. Please pray for their efforts.
After the time with the street kids we returned to the house to pick up the rest of the team and walked to church.
Church was in a large green striped tent. The service was in English, so this one we could understand except for the occasional bursts of Swahili. Afterwards we met the pastor who is getting married in a couple of weeks - the day after we leave to return to the states! Everyone we met there is very welcoming and it seems that they all want us to come visit whatever it is they have going on. On Saturday we may go to a group-home type set-up that one of the church members runs out of his home.
Please continue to pray for us and the people of Kisumu. Tomorrow we start the Choose to Wait ministry in a school in an area of Kisumu called Dunga. We will be there twice this week. On Tuesday we'll also start with the Care and Compassion ministry. We expect God to move while we are doing this work, but mostly we want to be used by God, so please pray that we are sensitive to his movement and we can be witnesses for Him and His love to the people we will be meeting over the next week.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
We are in Kisumu!!
Most of the team is asleep as I write this. This is Dan writing from Dave's user name, by the way. Here is an update on the happenings with the team. Wednesday night we drove to L.A. and spent the night with Sarah's parents and got up Thursday morning to depart for L.A.X. There we boarded a flight to San Francisco and from there we took off to London. Everything started off with great excitement and enthusiasm!
After a LONG time on the plane we arrived in London quite weary and ready to stretch our legs for a bit. Fortunately the flight from London to Nairobi was a much nicer experience, even though we got stuck on the runway due to a rainstorm in London.
After arriving in Nairobi after 26 hours of plane travel we were ready to get our bags and get out of the airport!
Little did Tom know it would be his bag that got left behind in London!
This morning, (Saturday) we got up and took a drive to Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi. There are about 1.4 million residents in the slum about 5 square miles large. The city's total population is only about 4 million, so over 25% of Nairobi lives in this village full of poverty. We met a pastor named Edward who has set up a kindergarten and vocational school in Kibera to help educate and train the people there and help improve the conditions. We went to the school and met about half of the children. We had a blast playing, singing and praying with them!
After leaving Kibera we ate lunch and took a drive around Nairobi and took in some of the sights.
After this we got our bags and got on another plane to come to Kisumu! This also gave us the opportunity to pick up Tom's bag that had arrived from London. As soon as we arrived we ate dinner, met as a team for a bit and most everyone is asleep now. We look forward to church in the morning and getting to see a little more of the city! We hope to post again soon but internet is slow here, so we will as we are able. Keep checking back for more updates and pictures. We don't have any pictures of Kisumu yet since we arrived at night, but here we are in front of the guest house we stayed in while in Nairobi.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Only in Kenya
only in kenya
come to kenya we've got lions
where can you see tigers?
only in kenya
got lions and tigers only in kenya
forget norway
oh kenyaaaa
where the giraffes are
and the zebra
kenya kenya kenya kenyaaaaa
kenya we're going to kenya
can ya believe it
Monday, June 18, 2007
Here we go!!
Depart LAX 10:00 AM
Arrive at London/Heathrow 7:10 AM on 7/20
One stop and plane change in San Francisco
Depart London/Heathrow 10:20 AM
Arrive at Nairobi 8:50 PM
Depart Nairobi 11:35 AM
Arrive at London/Heathrow 6:30 PM
Forced over-night in London
Deapart London/Heathrow 6:25 AM
Arrive at Frankfurt 8:55 AM
Depart Frankfurt 10:05 AM
Arrive LAX 12:35 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Here Am I
Isaiah 6:8
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
On the other side of the world
She stands on the ocean shore
Gazing at the heavens
She wonders, is there something more
Never been told the name of Jesus
She turns and walks away
What a shame
Just across the street in your hometown
Leaving from his nine-to-five
Gazing down the road
He wonders, is this all there is to life
Never been told the name of Jesus
He continues on his way
What a shame
Whom shall I send?
Who will go for me?
To the ends of the earth
Who will rise up for their King
Here am I, send me
Here am I, send me
Whether foreign land or neighbors
Everyone's the same
Searching for the answers
That lie within your name
I wanna proclaim the love of Jesus
In all I do and say, Unashamed
Whom shall I send?
Who will go for me?
To the ends of the earth
Who will rise up for their King
Here am I, send me
Here am I, send me
How beautiful are feet of those who bring good news
Proclaiming peace and your salvation
Whom shall I send
Who will go for me
To the ends of the earth
Who will rise up for their King
Here am I, send me
Here am I, send me
Here am I, send me
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Vaccinations :(
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Garage Sale Stuff!!!!
Cameron is in charge - so let him know... we will work to find a place to keep stuff until the magic day, but we need all we can get!
Post a comment, or email Cameron if you want him to contact you for pick up!